Monday, October 15, 2007

A Simple Dog Picture

Simple..that's it. I set out to take some simple pictures of my sister's dog
Bitsy. This dog is not just a pet, she's really a child, & treated far better than
any child I know of. We took props; blankets, sweaters, toys, a hairbrush..yes...
a hairbrush. I thought we were prepared for everything, but apparently I didn't
figure in the weather & Bitsy's attitude. Our first pictures were outside in front of
a nice pumpkin arrangement. The wind was blowing, the sun was rather warm &
Bitsy didn't want any part of all that. We got 2 pictures & neither were all that great. After that we went inside. We had 3 different blankets for backgrounds, one was a snowflake, one was just black & the last one was a Christmas scene. I had extra lighting that we placed to the side & we were ready to go. Bitsy had other ideas. She did not want to sit up or lay out straight. Instead she rolled on her side & just ducked her head down. My sister tried several times to sit her back up so I could quickly snap a shot or two. This didn't work out all that well. We got lucky once or twice but we needed something more. Finally we figured it out...DOG TREATS!! We had left them in the car. Boy, did that do the trick. Bitsy perked right up & sat there like a model. We got lots of shots in her cute little red
sweater. We got great pictures with her sitting, laying out straight...she did it all.
Sooo..I guess the most important thing to remember when taking several pictures of your pets is bring Treats!!

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